About Us


This is our highly demanding Staff management ( HRM ) Software . Where you can manage your staff , Documents , You can provide Salary Slip , You can Add holidays , You can check staff Birthday , You can manage Attendance , You can check leave application , You can add notice and more Staff can apply leave , add attendance , Employee can download salary slip , can check birthday notice and award details For Demo visit . https://apnabajar.in/hrm/public/ Company Id : demo@gmail.com Pw : 123456 Employee Id : demoemployee@gmail.com Pw : 123456 Price Package : https://apnabajar.in/hrm/public/plans

Apna Office HRM Software A Complete HR Management Solution that delivers

while extraordinary products and unique services still afford a competitive advantage, the one advantage that stands the test of time...is people

― John Doe

Apna Office HRM Software